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General Information

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Copies of Affiliation/Upgradation Letter and Recent

Extension of Affiliation, If any

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Copies of Societies / Trust / Company Registration /Renewal Certificate as Applicable

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Copy of No Objection Certificate (NOC) issued, if applicable by the State Government

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Copies of Recognition Certificate under RTE Act 2009 and Its Renewal if applicable

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Copies of Valid Building Safety Certificate as per the National Building Code

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Copy of Valid Fire Safety Certificate Issued by the Competent Authority

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Copy of the DEO Certificate submitted by the School for Affiliation/Upgradation/Extension of Affiliation or Self Certification by School

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Copies of Valid Water, Health and Sanitation Certificates

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Fee Structure of the School

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List of School Management Committee (SMC)

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List of Parents Teachers Association (PTA) Members

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Last Three-Year Result of the Board Examination as per Applicability

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School Infrastructure

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Against the Deficiencies Mentioned in the rejection letter

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